What is Spain famous for?

About SpainWhat Spain is famous for

Spain is one of the most colourful and interesting countries with a rich history. Every year tens of millions of tourists choose Spain as a holiday destination, because it has everything you need for that! It is said that the Phoenicians were the first to name this wonderful and multifaceted country, having landed on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea and seeing a large number of rabbits, which were literally everywhere! And so it is even now, despite the fact that the population of Spain is increasing every year (already about 48 million), and more and more territories are settled. Rabbits are easy to see, as soon as you step out onto the grassy plains and mountain slopes where they live.

What is Spain known for?Mediterranean Sea and climate in Spain

When talking about Spain, the first thing that comes to mind is the sea and the beach, and for good reason. Tourists love Spain's resorts for their sandy beaches, of which there are many on the Mediterranean coast. For the sun, which shines here mostly 320 days a year. For the summer, and even though it is very hot, but it lasts long, for the short winter and the opportunity to swim in the sea even in this season of the year.

But Spain is known for more than just that! It is the country of oranges, which are grown in many regions. traductor de Google
The best olive oil is produced here.Spanish olives, cheeses and jamon Chorizo, cheeses and Jamon brought from Spain is known almost all over the world!
The south of Spain is the birthplace of bullfighting and the passionate dance of flamenco, which is known for its enchanting rhythms and danceable music.Flamenco, bullfighting, palaces in Spain Here every piece of land has its own history, which you can learn from the numerous monuments, palaces, historical centres and museums.
The amazing and picturesque places of Spain have been the setting for many famous films. The diverse delicacies and traditional dishes of Spain will leave no one indifferent. Selected wines are produced from the best varieties of grapes growing here. Having been here once, tourists come here again and again, because Spain is a country of amazing and unusual adventures!Spanish tortilla, paella and wine