Attractions near Valencia

What to see around Valencia

Valencia has many interesting tourist attractions both within and outside of this magnificent city. Thousands of travellers are keen to see as many sights as possible during their holiday and thus gain a great deal of experience until the next time.

Albufera Natural Park in Valencia(Parque Natural de La Albufera)Albufera Natural Park in Valencia

It is a coastal lagoon located 10 kilometres from Valencia, separated from the sea by a small stretch of land. For lovers of quiet walks and contemplation of nature. Here you can take a boat ride on a large lake and, as tourists who have already been here advise, watch a beautiful sunset. You will see many ducks, herons and of course flamingos. There are also endangered species of birds here. It is believed that the lifeblood of this natural ecosystem is the rice fields. Rice production is the origin of the traditional Spanish dish paella, which can be enjoyed in almost any local restaurant.


City of Sagunto(Sagunto)City of Sagunto

A small but very interesting and atmospheric town 30-35 minutes north of Valencia. It began to be built 2000 years ago at the foot of a high hill. There is a lot of archaeological evidence that this town was important in its time. Tourists are attracted to Sagunto by its two main parts: the historic centre with its Roman theatre and hill fortress, and the picturesque port – Puerto de Sagunto. Sagunto FortressThe Sagunto Fortress is one of the main attractions of the Valencian region, declared a national monument in 1931. The civilisations that lived here left traces in the form of buildings of different architectural styles, among which the Arabian prevails. The area of the castle is large - almost a kilometre. It is an incredible place with a very strong energy. Walking around Sagunto Castle, you can easily imagine what it was like to live here, to fight for your city, to defend it. If you come by car, it is best to leave it at the nearest car parks at the foot of the mountain and go up the steep steps, there are signs everywhere indicating the way - you won't get lost. There is also an option to take the tourist train for a nominal fee. It will leave you just at the entrance to the castle, where you can enjoy both the walk and the beautiful views from the castle. A visit to the Sagunto Fortress can be combined with a visit to another attraction, the Roman Theatre. Both are free of charge.Замок Сагунто и Римский театр

San Jose Underground River and Caves(Coves de Sant Josep)San Jose Underground River and Caves

Located 45 minutes from Valencia. Here, among the rocks and grottoes, flows the longest underground river in all of Europe. This unique space will allow you to experience peace and unity with the nature that has shaped this place over its long existence. Visitors are offered a boat trip that lasts about 50 minutes, during which the guide will tell you interesting information about the caves and the river. This place is very popular, so in summer it is advisable to buy tickets very early.

Montanejos thermal springs(Aguas termales de Montanejos)Montanejos thermal springs

If you have the time and desire to swim somewhere other than the sea, 1 hour and 15 minutes drive to the mainland from Valencia, in the lap of nature are the magnificent thermal springs of Montanejos. The temperature of the water in the lake stays around 22 degrees all year round, and sometimes even higher. The water is clean and clear, and there are mountains all around. It's beautiful! It is believed that the water from this lake has healing properties and will be useful to people from many ailments. For the convenience of visitors, this place is equipped with toilets, picnic areas and a children's playground. The entrance fee is 3,5 €, but if you buy tickets on their official website - 3 € per person. This way, besides saving a little money, you will be sure that a swimming spot is reserved for you, this is also important. During the holiday season it is always crowded, it is better to arrive early - the thermal springs are open to the public from 10:00.

Bocairent - Bocairente(Bocairent - Bocairente)Attractions near Valencia - Bocairente

One hour and 20 minutes from Valencia, one of the most visited towns in Valencia, Bocairent or Bocairente, is mysteriously perched on a cliff. This ancient town, founded by the Muslims, still retains its unique architecture, typical of the buildings of that time. Tourists in Bocairente are attracted by the city's historic district and Moorish caves. Walking along the steep narrow streets paved with cobblestones, seeing medieval ruins, bridges, aqueducts - you will be transported to an era when all this was part of life and life of people, and now - the most interesting sights, which are rushing to see travellers from all over the world.Bocairent Not far from the city centre you will find the very interesting structure of the Cava de Sant Blai(Cava de Sant Blai), which in the olden days was used as an icehouse. This is where food was stored and medicines were prepared.Ice Cave in Bocairent. In the underground gallery, once dug into the rock, you can find out the history of the place and the location of all the snow pits of the region marked on the map. From the ice storehouse, a 300 metre long path leads to the Moorish Caves (Covetes dels Moros de Bocairent), one of the main attractions around Valencia for which everyone comes here. It's not just a walk through the caves! It is a whole adventure! In this rock on 3-4 different levels are cut about 50 holes, like windows, through which you get into 50 rooms (they used to be used as grain storage). It is an unusual labyrinth with narrow passages, ascents and descents, and visitors are invited to find their way out of it. Be prepared that it is not allowed to go into the caves with bags and rucksacks, and it is not superfluous to leave your valuables in a safe place. Amazing and unforgettable emotions are waiting for you!Moorish caves in Bocairent.